Tulgeen Disability Accommodation
Are you looking for accommodation support in Bega?
Tulgeen provides a range of accommodation options, including Supported Independent Living (SIL), Specialised Disability Accommodation (SDA), Short-term Accommodation (Respite) and Drop-in Support.
Achieving and maintaining your independence is our aim.
A range of supports are available to suit you, from 24 hour support to drop in support in community housing or in your own home.
Specialising in professional support for people with complex needs, Tulgeen services are delivered by experienced and trained staff.
Tulgeen supports clients in all aspects of day to day living including participation in community and social activities, and accessing mainstream and community services.
Specialised Disability
Accommodation (SDA)
Our Specialised Disability Accommodation is designed to support people with disabilities who are receiving services under the NDIS.
Our facilities are accessible, purpose built housing, and adapted equipment or devices to enable our clients to live as freely as possible.
Supported Independent
Living (SIL)
The Tulgeen SIL program supports people with disability to live as independently as possible within their community. Our team will provide you with support to shop, cook and clean as well as many other tasks of daily living. We'll also support you to plan holidays, develop hobbies, and make new friends.

Drop-In Support
If you live in your own home, but require support with activities of daily living, such as cooking, cleaning, shopping, or personal care, our team can provide an individualised service, designed to meet your specific needs.
Your life, your way
As the most experienced accommodation support provider for people with disabilities in Bega, our team can work with you to ensure that you have accommodation and supports that meet your specific needs, to enable you have choice and control in your life.
Get in touch now to discuss how we can support you to live your life the way you choose.
Our Accommodation team will support you to:

Manage your activities of daily living, including managing medication, budgeting, shopping, and personal care.

Help you plan holidays and develop hobbies and friendships.

Help you to prepare for your yearly NDIS Plan review meetings, supporting you in your plan review meeting.
Contact Our Accommodation Team Now
If you're interested in learning more about how our team can provide the right accommodation supports for you, get in touch today.
You can contact the Accommodation team via email at NDIS.Enquiries@Tulgeen.com.au, call our team on 02 6499 0800, or submit an accommodation enquiry here.