Tulgeen's History
Celebrating Over 40 Years of Tulgeen: A Journey of Empowerment and Inclusion
Reflecting on Our Past, Celebrating Our Achievements
Since its inception, Tulgeen Disability Services has been a beacon of hope and empowerment for people with disabilities in the Bega Valley and beyond. Our rich history is filled with milestones that reflect our unwavering commitment to creating an inclusive community where everyone can live, work, play, and grow. Let’s take you on a journey through the decades of dedication and growth that have shaped Tulgeen into the inclusive, innovative, and supportive community it is today.
The Early Years
Mid 1970's
In the mid-1970s, the Far South Coast Handicapped Children’s Association was formed in response to the lack of local facilities for people with disabilities. This initiative aimed to address the urgent need for support and services. The Handicapped Persons Assistance Act (HPAA) became legislation, paving the way for formal services.
Significant milestones included the efforts of Grosvenor Hospital in Sydney, which liaised with local authorities to address handicapped children's needs. However, their services fell short of the district's requirements, particularly for adults with disabilities. In 1975, Bob Westmacott called a meeting, leading to the formation of a steering committee. The result was the establishment of the Far South Coast Handicapped Children’s Association, encompassing aims including those of a sheltered workshop.

The president of the Bega Lions Club Mal Gibbons had the pleasant duty of presenting a cheque for $1,000 to the Bega Sheltered Workshop! Mr, Col Murphy. The president of Woorkshop, Mrs Leslie Woods was also at the presentation.
1977-1987: Laying Strong Foundations

On May 23, 1977, Tulgeen began its journey, launching formal services in the old Scout Hall at 26 Eden Street. Initially operating one day per week with voluntary hours, activities focused on practical skills like ironing, car washing, rag-salvage, and community contract work. These sessions also included domestic skills training during morning tea and lunch periods, fostering independence and capability among participants.
In 1978, Tulgeen welcomed its first paid staff member, Mrs. Carole Wangemann, which marked a significant milestone. By this time, six clients attended two days per week, supported by funding from the Department of Community Services and Health (DCS&H).
The organization underwent a couple of name changes due to government pressure, evolving from Bega Sheltered Workshop to Tulgeen Industries, and later to the Activity and Therapy Centre, while still retaining the Tulgeen Industries name.

By 1980, Tulgeen proudly supported 12 clients. The International Year of Disabled Persons in 1981 further highlighted Tulgeen's pioneering approach, integrating school children into the daily activities at the Centre. This period of growth continued with the commencement of the new building at 45 Eden Street in 1982, which was completed and officially opened as the Tulgeen Industries, Activity and Therapy Centre in November 1983.
By 1980, Tulgeen proudly supported 12 clients. The International Year of Disabled Persons in 1981 further highlighted Tulgeen's pioneering approach, integrating school children into the daily activities at the Centre. This period of growth continued with the commencement of the new building at 45 Eden Street in 1982, which was completed and officially opened as the Tulgeen Industries, Activity and Therapy Centre in November 1983.

Riverside Farm Project (Dept of Health Funding following Richmond Report) commenced to facilitate de-institutionalisation of clients from Strathallen and Goulburn; providing for residential needs of clients in Haselton House as well as vocational training at Riverside Farm.
1987 - 1997
NSW Disability and Guardianship Act became legislation in 1987.
Tulgeen clients Celine Wilton and Robert Wooding married. Celine’s parents were on the founding committee.
Riverside Nursery opened on land made available in Taronga Crescent by Bega Valley Shire Council.
By 1990 Tulgeen provided services to 28 clients and employed 24 staff in services delivery and administration.
DCS&H funded the Activity Therapy Centre, Tulgeen WorkCrew, Riverside Nursery, Ravenswood Street and Fairview Street Residential Services while Family and Community Services (FACS) funded Riverside Farm and Haselton House.
Tulgeen Industries Activity and Therapy Centre changed its name to "Ikandoo Enterprises".
At this time the structure changed to a Board, General Manager, Service Coordinators and Supervisors to meet the requirements of Objective of Principles and Objectives of Disability Services Australia (DSA) “that no single organisation providing services should exercise control over all or most aspects of the life of an individual with disabilities”.

Five Year Plans were developed for different services, the Board delegating responsibility of ensuring service provision and accounting for funds to a Committee Structure:
1: Vocational Services Committee
2: Accommodation Services Committee
3. Training and Education Services (TES)
4: Access Committee
5. Quality Assurance (QA)
Vocational Services
1: Community Education Training Program (CETP)
2: Supported Employment Bega Valley Workcrew
3: Supported Employment Service Riverside Nursery
4: Vocational Training and Supported Employment Riverside Farm
Accommodation Support / ILT Services:
1: Accommodation Support Service
2: Independent Living Training Service
Tulgeen developed a Mission Statement:
“Tulgeen aims to be a flexible organisation with clear direction and ideals and with integration of clients, staff, management and board will promote and support:
- Independence
- Trust, honesty and openness
- Communication / listening
- Choices and options
- Ongoing training
- Personal values
- Peer support
- Advocacy
- Conflict resolution
- Teamwork
- Integration with the community"

Expansion of Accommodation Services
At the time of the restructure, there were six clients at Haselton House in Candelo; and two group homes in Bega: Fairview St with five residents and Ravenswood St, four residents. Accommodation services were also expanded with minimal support to five clients in their own homes in the community.
- Individual Service Plan (ISP) for Accommodation clients were introduced.
- Staff were being training through TReD and Bega TAFE College.
- Award based wages for staff commenced at this time.
- Workability Personnel was established servicing thirty clients, auspiced by Tulgeen Group.
- Commonwealth State Disability Agreement (CSDA) was legislated.

Access (Disability Support Brokerage) offering lifestyle enhancement and Fun Club was introduced in 1996.
Wage increases were not implemented for eight months, resulting in a financial crisis and necessitated a restructure with the withdrawal of all services through Riverside Farm and Haselton House site. These services were relocated to various locations within Bega.
- Decentralisation of management into individual services was implemented and coordinated by the Management Committee. Budget reached $1M.
- ILT (Independent Living Training) became TES (Training and Education Services).
- Ikandoo Enterprises became S&P (Stitches and Prints).
- WorkAbility Personnel becomes independent of Tulgeen.
- Sattler Street Group home was purchased with a bequest from Peter John Ubrihien.
- Independent Living Skills was formally recognised and funded by Department of Community Services.
- Haselton House and the farm closed at Candelo with clients moved into Sattler St.
- Access Leisure Support Services (Access) was established for people with all disabilities from 15 years to 65 years of age. The WorkCrew move into premises at Bega Street Bega
- The Training and Education Service (TES) was established with recurrent funding formerly Independent Living Skills (ILS) Tulqeen in leased premises in Auckland Street Bega.
- The "Stitches and Prints" building at 45 Eden Street was officially opened.
- Tulgeen Accommodation Service acquired the lease on a house in Gordon Street. NSW Disability Services Act was introduced in 1993 along with Disability Service Standards.
Tulgeen clients Trevor Mitchell and Beverly Roberts were married.
- CSDA (Commonwealth Sate Disability Agreement) resulted in the Commonwealth funding vocational services with the State to provide accommodation services.
- Drama classes were conducted for 12 weeks and culminated in performance for International AIDS Awareness Day at the Old Bega Hospital (Eden Street Players).
- Kym Mogridge (Manager) circulated on behalf of the Board, the Proposed Future Structure for discussion. Adopted at April 1994 Board Meeting Under “Making Services Better Legislation” the Department of Housing made 35 Eden Street (Grevillea House) available for Tulgeen usage and utilised for TES / Access. Activities included workplace literacy and numeracy as well as integrated kite-making; menu planning, food preparation and nutrition were delivered
- Compic Icons were developed and used for printed information for clients.
- Drama Project funded by Adult Education with a performance of an African myth, “The Buffalo Girl” at Bega High School. (Eden Street Players).
- “From Both Sides” Drama Project developed in collaboration at Tulgeen Access toured local halls at Tanja, Quaama, Pambula, Candelo, Murrah and Bega (Eden BSTC Maho ES
- Stitches & Prints purchased a heat tunnel for screen-printing.
- The kitchen was renovated at the Riverside Nursery.
- Access developed the "Fun Club".
- “Both Sides Integrated Theatre” original musical production “Once” was devised and performed (later becoming the Eden Street Players).
1997 - 2007

Tulgeen purchased the Union Street property.
- Carole Broadhead resigned from her role of Manager. Administration commenced from the front room of the S&P building.
- New Policy and Procedures manual was developed and introduced after consultation.
- Transition funding became available for Accommodation and TES. Tulgeen purchase the Scout Hall at 26 Eden St, Bega and began renovations.
- When Council put the Ravenswood Street property on the market, clients were moved from Ravenswood Street Group home into a rental property at Mecklenberg Street.
- There was a restructure into two separate units: Accommodation and OBU (Outside Business Unit) that included WorkCrew being based at Taronga Crescent at the Riverside Nursery precinct.
- Tulgeen Administration moved across the road to 26 Eden Street with the official opening held on the 28th September, 1998.
- “Both Sides Theatre Group” with Council for the Arts funding conducted a successful tour to Adelaide Fringe Festival with performances whilst touring at Mildura, Berri, and Wagga Wagga.
- In conjunction with the Department of Ageing and Disability a submission was developed and negotiations commenced with the Department of Housing for the development of the Union Street property into the Maple Court units.
- Eden St Players was formed
- ILS was approved to provide Adult Training; Learning and Support (ATLaS) programs to approved school-leavers.
- Exchange Program began with Lambing Flat Enterprises (LFE) in Young, offering accommodation to clients for low budget holidays.
- ABI (Acquired Brain Injury) Unit was developed with the arrival of five clients with Acquired Brain Injury and Tulgeen expanded with specialised accommodation and staffing.
- Union Sireet building plans, finances and contracts were developed.
- Bermagui ABI Unit commenced in conjunction with Office of Protective Commissioner providing 24/7 care for one client. “Art Studio” commenced in the garage at 35 Eden Street where three local artists are employed.
- A Supported Wage System Assessment for S&P clients.
- Stitches & Prints received a "Highly Commended Award" at the Bega Business Awards.
- A new Quality Strategy for Disability Employment Services was implemented.
- TES and Access were restructured under one Manager.

A “Turning of the Sod” Ceremony for Stage 1 of Maple Court Development at the Union Street property was held in 2002.
- Workplace English Language and Literacy (WELL) a Commonwealth funded project was commenced to train staff to meet the challenges of the future as Community Services moved toward professional and accreditation requirements. A total of twenty-five staff undertook training within this project with eight senior staff graduating with the Certificate IV Assessment and Workplace Training and one with an Assessor's Certificate.
- Eden Street Players perform at the Awakenings Festival in Horsham, Victoria.
- Purchase of a wheelchair bus.
- Outside Business Unit received the "Bega Best Business Award" in the Horticulture Section in the Bega Business House Awards.
- Stitches & Prints obtained contracts with The Tathra Pickle Factory as well as making olive nets for producers.
- Quality Assurance was introduced with the Policy and Procedure Manual rewritten in line with the Disability Service Standards.
- Special Olympic swim and ten pin bowling teams were successful with all competitors receiving awards.
- Stitches & Prints implemented their Induction Manual.

- Special Olympics Ten Pin Bowling The first client Art Exhibition was held at Bega Regional Art Gallery. Regional Special Olympics participation with swimming and ten-pin bowling. ISP becomes Client Services & Training with competencies developed for client work roles.
- Staff training in Cert III Disability as well as Cert IV TAA (Training and Assessment) Accreditation was achieved for both Federal and State Funding Bodies, commencing with an External Quality Audit to meet FaCSIA requirements.
- After a Strategic Planning Workshop, an organisational structure committee was formed and recommended that all client services come together; services included InHome Support, TES, Access and Individual Support.
- The Opening of the "Art in Garage Group Show’ Exhibition was held at Cafe Beyond in Bermagui.
- This was followed with the Opening at the Bega Valley Regional Art Gallery of the "Giant Steps"; an exhibition of work by participants of the Art in the Garage program.

Stage 1 Maple Court was completed in 2002 and clients move into their units in March.
- Wage Agreement reached with Business Services Clients and ratified by Industrial Commission. Pottery Workshops commenced for clients.
- TLE Building (Client Services) was leased and alterations completed to suit client programs. Training and Development Facilitator appointed for staff training and mentoring. Accommodation restructure undertaken.
- Tulgeen Group celebrated Quality Assurance Accreditation.
- May saw the Opening of the "Inside Outside" Exhibition at Spiral Gallery in Bega.
- A Strategic planning weekend was conducted including Directors and staff.
- Bega Valley Shire Council Access maps were launched; three clients being part of the Access and Equity committee and were an integral part in having these maps launched.
- Special Olympics swim team competed in Sydney.
- Bertie Neilsen travelled to Parliament House in Canberra to see his artwork hanging in the Minister for Family and Community Services office.
- Special Olympics ten pin bowling team competed at Gosford NSW.
- Eden Street players perform at the Awakenings Festival in Horsham, Victoria.
- Opening of "The Meeting Place" Exhibition, a permanent public display Bega CBD.
- Artwork displayed from the "Art in the Garage" Program in the Bega Town Hall for "International Day for People with Disability".
- Tulgeen Group celebrated their 25 year Anniversary at the AGM. OHS policy and procedures were re-written and implemented; introduction of safe operating procedures (SOP's). Staff training in 2002 included Cert IV and Diploma Disability and Diploma Frontline Management.

- The Risk Management, Consultation and OHS Management System was implemented and included staff training. Inaugural ASR (Annual Service Review) and SDR (Service Delivery Review) completed.
- Website launched.
- Continuous Improvement Matrix (CIM) trial throughout the organisation.
- Nursing students from the University of Wollongong undertook their practical work placement.
- Opening of "Bev's World" Exhibition at Cafe Beyond in Bermagui.
- Seven Rural Doctors from the Australian National University completed practical work placement on Disability with Tulgeen.
- A Business Development and Marketing Officer was appointed in December to source new business and expand Tulgeen Group into the wider community.
- Opening of Garage Art at Bega Valley Regional Gallery exhibiting recent artwork from the Art in the Garage project. Bega Cheese Project commenced at Lagoon Street North Bega Factory site.
- Students from ANU Medical School and nursing students from UOW undertake work experience at Tulgeen. ‘Tulgeen Disability Services' registered as the trading name, retaining Tulgeen Group as the company name. Opening of "Garage Art" at the Raglan Gallery in Cooma.
- Opening of the "Freeform" Exhibition at the Mechanics Institute in Moruya.
- Open Day and Business Service Expo.
- Clients and staff participate in the "Canteen" bike ride.
- Clients, staff and volunteers participate in the planting of 1000 Christmas trees donated by Wilmott Forests at Bombala. The trees were planted on land at Jellat Jellat owned by Bev and Chas Keys.

2007 - 2017
Maple Court Stage 2 planning commenced.
- Bega Cheese Project moved into specifically built unit within Client Services Building SSPS (Spindler Street Processing Service); AQIS accreditation achieved.
- Grevillea House upgrade. Riverside Nursery upgrade included: shade sails; sprinkler systems; shed extensions; water storage and irrigation system.
- Intranet implemented to all Tulgeen sites.
- A full-time Manager position for OHS was appointed.
- Three Rural Doctors from the Australian National University start their practical work placement on Disability with Tulgeen. Opening of "Just Bert: A Retrospective exhibition of the art of Bert Neilson" at the Spiral Gallery in Bega.
- Nursing students from the University of Wollongong start their practical work placement.
- Opening of "32 Life Pieces" at Parliament House in Sydney; featuring a group exhibition that included the works of Michael O'Dea and Phillip Skillin.
- Opening of " The Garage Mob" at Mogo Raw Art and Blues in Mogo, NSW.

Stage 2 Maple Court plans agreed.

- Celebrating Ability, not Disability - The Spindler Street Packaging Service opened in partnership with Bega Cheese to give supported and sustainable employment to a group of local people with impairment or disability. Federal funding also supported the project.
- National Disability Services Australian Disability Enterprises (NDS ADE) Excellence Award.
- Transition to Retirement Pilot funded by FaHSCIA.
- TES Art in the Garage clients launch exhibition at Bega Regional Art Gallery.
- School-based Apprenticeship Program for six Bega High School students with disability as well as three mainstream students.
- Introduction of Art Out of the Garage for clients with limited mobility in their homes.
- 2010 Purchase of Client Services building.
- Client centred project in conjunction with Australian National University and South Australian University.
- Soccer included in the Special Olympics.
- Stage 2 Maple Court funding secured and planning finalised and contracts developed.
Maple Court Stage 2 completed.
- Funding allocated for Client Services Building upgrade.
- Riverside Nursery upgrade completed including: greenhouses, shade-house, concrete paths and drainage works to enhance a retail focus. Professional Assault Response Training reaccreditation of all care support staff, plus Disability Cert Il Work Skills for Life undertaken with CP clients.
- Project with McGrath Foundation; pictorial, plain English version of Handbook or Patients with Disability with breast cancer.
- New studios for Art in the Garage completed.
- Tulgeen Open Day 2010
- 'Tulgeen’s Purple Patch! - Tulgeen Disability Support Services helped Tathra turn purple over the weekend, to celebrate the annual Wharf to Waves event. For the previous six years, Tulgeen enterprise Stitches and Prints had been contracted to print and pack the hundreds of shirts, bags and hats that are given out to race competitors, sponsors and volunteers.
- Stitches and Prints employed 13 people with a disability, to work on the Wharf to Waves project over past two months.
- Wild, Wonderful Artwork at Tulgeen — buzzed with colour and creativity at the organisation’s first Wild Craft exhibition. Textiles, mosaics, greeting cards, papier mache and portraits were created by twenty-one Tulgeen clients, who proudly showed off their works to visitors, family and friends.
- Creative Art Workshop - Official opening of Tulgeen Disability Services’ new Art in the Garage Studios.
- Tulgeen Disability Services 'Beyond the Garage’ exhibition opened in the purpose-built extensions to the “garage” studio, in which the artists explore their creativity, were shown-off to the public.
- Tulgeen's Art in the Garage project spreads its colour and inspiration far and wide. A film crew from UnBard TV visited the “garage” to document the “Co-inspiration” visual arts project. Tulgeen extended support with the unveiling of its new Training and Education Support (TES) Annex in Bega.

- Bonfire Night in Bega to mark Festival's End has its centrepiece, a huge creation of the Tulgeen Riverside Nursery — ‘BigFace' created by staff and supported employees from Tulgeen’s Riverside Nursery.
- International Day of People with Disability took place, with the Tulgeen Group holding a celebration in Littleton Gardens, Bega There was a jumping castle, music by local performers as well as some from Tulgeen, information stalls on programs such as INSYNC, and other stalls belonging to Riverside Nursery, Stitches and Prints and more.
- An imaginative group from Tulgeen Disability Services used their creativity to write and illustrate a new book. “Fuzzy Climbed a Steep Mountain” and the book was released by Tulgeen’s INSYNC creative writers.
- Bega's Tulgeen Disability Services celebrated forty years of support. Researchers tracing the history of the organisation stumbled upon a September 1975 issue of the Bega District News that stated the lack of “hostels, workshops or special schools from Ulladulla to the
- Victorian border” as motivation for the creation of the Far South Coast Handicapped Children’s Association at a meeting in the Bega Community Health Centre.

- The 2015 Bega Cheese Donation to Tulgeen results in 2016 Bega's Tulgeen Group opening a new Respite Service. Tulgeen’s Colourful Garage Art at Spiral Gallery featured the latest exhibition of works by the Art in the Garage emerging artists. Tulgeen’s Studio INSYNC created and entered the Short Film 'Focus on Ability' Competition for the second year in a row.
- October Andrew Constance MP and Bega Valley Mayor Kristy McBain launch Cooinda, Tulgeen’s new one-stop shopfront at 26 Eden Street. In his address to the crowd, Andrew Constance emphasised: “/ don’t what anyone to forget what the NDIS is about. The NDIS is not about money, it’s about people...it’s about the principle of choice and control...For too long our country has made life incredibly hard for people with disability and their carers...People with disability are in charge now...geitting to pick and choose what THEY want and need... It’s good to see Tulgeen making changes and transforming to build on the incredible services already being provided. This is about aif of you...in the full knowledge that this is so that you can enjoy your human rights.”
- At the 2016 AGM Graeme Innes, former Discrimination Commissioner, was the guest speaker and spoke of his early life and the challenges he faced as a person who was born blind.
- The Tulgeen Christmas Party introduced the Good Practice Awards. 2017 Miriam Kydd Art Exhibition at Bermagui Library.
- Community Garden Project planned to commence at Taronga Crescent.

2017 - 2022
2017 saw Tulgeen grow and thrive in a range of areas.
- In July a Workforce Development project was implemented, and Dave Akehurst joined the team as Enterprise Manager
- August saw the world premiere of the Tulgeen film 'Fast and Fabulous'
- Tulgeen also purchased the Riverside Nursery Taronga site from Council
- In September shredders were installed at the Riverside Nursery, for the confidential shredding service
- In October Jon Walker joined the team as our Finance Manager
- December highlights included the Access all areas Film Festival at BVCCC, as well as our Christmas Party
- Good Practice Group implements Staff Wellbeing Fund which provides appropriate and timely support to Tulgeen workers who are experiencing extraordinary circumstances
- Bega Valley Coaches transports first person in a wheel chair to Tulgeen
- Vincent Richardson Support Coordinator joins our team
- Mya & Geordie, first 2 Support Worker trainees employed under Tulgeen's new Traineeship Mentoring Program. Their success saw the program expanded to employing another 10 trainees.
- Handmade mesh produce bags, organic cotton produce bags, recycled hessian shopping bags, tea towels and fabric three layered face masks produced by Stitches & Prints and sold through Coles Bega, local outlets & online sales, giving people with disability paid and meaningful employment.

- Art in the Garage exhibition opens in Tuggeranong entitled Hinterland
- Costa visits Tulgeen’s Riverside Nursery
- Tulgeen hosts Footy Colours Day as a fundraiser for cancer research
- Costa hosts Community Planting Day and opens Tulgeen Community Garden at Riverside Nursery
- Tulgeen appoints 4 new trainee Support Workers
- Create@Tulgeen opened by Bega Valley Shire Mayor Kristy McBain
- NSW Government announces its support for Tulgeen with $4.6 million to undertake a disability housing project in Bega
- Footy Colours Day fun at Tulgeen
- Tulgeen’s Good Practice Group hosted its Worker Recognition Awards

- Tulgeen’s Stitches and Prints launch new product. Organic cotton mesh produce bags are now available for purchase in packs of four.
- Tulgeen provides safe haven to 27 In Home Support Clients in our Insync Building as we battled Bushfires and unprecedented client and worker safety issues. Returned to normal services mid-January.
- Tulgeen temporarily suspends supported employment and Inclusion Services due to Covid-19
- Tulgeen slowly brings people back to work and Inclusion and Access Activities practising physical distancing and hygiene measures.
- After completing her traineeship Mya became a qualified Support Worker having obtained a Cert III in Individual Support
- Mitch and Rose celebrate 20 years with Tulgeen.
- Tulgeen Artists join to be part of the Plethora of Postcards exhibit at Spiral Gallery
- We farewell Tulgeen Packaging Services
- Tulgeen’s Riverside Nursery participates in the world renowned Dwarf Tomato Project
- Tulgeen Work Crew helps with the town beautification project installing garden beds in Bega CBD
- Tulgeen successfully undertakes its first Audit conducted remotely
- Tulgeen’s Art in the Garage holds an exhibit at YourSpace
- Tulgeen supports clients to receive their COVID-19 vaccinations
- The Hon Andrew Constance MP officiated the opening of Elliot Lane Apartments a supported living housing residence in the township of Bega for people living with disability
- Andrew Constance and retiring Tulgeen CEO Jen Russell, who project managed the construction with Leser Build cut the ribbon with two of the residents moving into the accommodation

Reference Sources
References and Resources:
- Annual Reports from 1990 to 2006.
- Personal work diaries 1990 to 2007.
- Art in the Garage flyers / brochures.
- Tulgeen "Official Opening" handbook 1983.
- Tulgeen memorials list.
- Government Legislation List (ICM learning Resource).
- Website: www.tulgeen.com.au
- Matthew Perry for information of Art in the Garage.
- Robyn Hallows Cert IV 2007.
- Bega District News archives.
- Interviews with clients, Carole Broadhead, Bob Westmacott, Jim Collins and Vera Kirkness as well as many past and present volunteers and staff.
Sponsor Acknowledgement
Tulgeen wishes to acknowledge the generous support of the State and Commonwealth Governments, businesses and individuals over the years.