Reclink Australia presents VOICES OF THE VALLEY Dedicated to the Local Heroes of the Bega Valley
A film featuring Caitlin, David & Belle.
Made in partnership with Tulgeen Riverside Nursery.

Summer has arrived, and Tulgeen Riverside Nursery is celebrating with a sale of up to 50% off!

Gardening is a fun hobby that can provide endless opportunities for learning and self-improvement. When done properly, gardening can also be very rewarding financially. Growing your own food allows you to control exactly what goes into your meals, and it saves money over purchasing pre-packaged foods.

In March 2022 Costa Georgiadis visited Tulgeens Riverside Nursery, to meet with Doug McLean of Eat Dirt Permaculture and Cr Karen Wright, and discuss his new book.

We recently hosted Eat Dirt Permaculture, Candelo Books, The Headland Writers Group, Councillor Karen Wright and Costa from Gardening Australia for a Q&A session to discuss his book Costa’s World!