A film featuring Caitlin, David & Belle.

Made in partnership with Tulgeen Riverside Nursery.

Reclink Australia presents VOICES OF THE VALLEY Dedicated to the Local Heroes of the Bega Valley

A collaborative film by Ollie Birt Ben Bowyer Allana Bryan Georgia Cameron Blair Childs Ritchie Faulkner Daniel Fletcher Stephen Geronimos Caitlin Gross Eloise Jones Blake Paul Kendall Jetta Millynn Kiana Murphy Anthony Newman Jessie Rieck Jaspar Ryding Julia Willson & Sarah

Featuring Fiona Boyes Steve Clarke Sharon Cornthwaite Glenn Cotter David Hynsky Melanie Lockberie Harry Peterson ( aka. Bega Bomber) Nita Quinn Natasha Ryan John Taplin Rick Valentine Belle Voncannon

Workshop Participants Ben Bowyer Georgia Cameron Blair Childs Caitlin Gross Jetta Millynn Kiana Murphy Jessie Rieck Jaspar Ryding

Workshop Facilitators Ollie Birt Daniel Fletcher Stephen Geronimos Eloise Jones Blake Paul Kendall

Festival Organisers Ritchie Faulkner Blake Paul Kendall Julia Wilson

Reclink Team Allana Bryan, Jason Carter, Callista Cooper, Matthew Dunstan, Ritchie Faulkner, Anthony Newman, Julia Willson & Sarah

Cinematography Ollie Birt, Daniel Fletcher, Eloise Jones

Edited & Compiled by Ollie Birt, Daniel Fletcher, Eloise Jones, Blake Paul Kendall

Production Support by Rabbit Content Executive Producers Marcus Butler, Alexandra Hay, Lucas Jenner

Funded by NSW Government & Reclink Australia Supported by Rabbit Productions

Original Music “Chasing Rainbows” and “Just a Thought” Written & Performed by Tony Gibson (Trombonetone) Audio Engineered & Produced by Pasko Schravemade

Archive Footage Nita Quinn

FIlm and Workshop Equipment Sponsored by

Canon Australia – Zoltan Blazer

SUNSTUDIOS Sydney – Jordan Allison

“Voices of the Valley” Festival created by Blake Paul Kendall

A heartfelt thank you to Father Steve Clarke and Fiona Boyes – St Johns Anglican Church Peter Burgess – St Johns Anglican Church Sharon Cornthwaite – Ricky’s Place Melanie Lockberie — Bega Downs Motor Inn Tulgeen Management and Staff Riverside Nursery Management and Staff Zoltan Blazer — Canon Australia Jordan Allison — SUNSTUDIOS Sydney Mackayla and Marko of Cracking Corn Woolworths Bega Management and Staff Woolworths Tura Beach Management and Staff Woolworths Bermagui Management and Staff Coles Bega Management and Staff Bega Valley Meats Mal’s Pizza Bite – Bega Bega Valley Commemorative Civic Centre Management and Staff

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