Tulgeen would like to advise our community that the NDIS have changed the pricing model for participants involved in group-based supports. Currently, the invoice you receive from Tulgeen displays an individual line covering the cost of face-to-face support, non-face-to-face support, and capital centre costs.

Under the Apportioned Pricing model, your new invoices will list these supports separately, itemising the breakdown of each support provided:

  • Participant Activities – Group based activities and assistance with Social and Community Participation – Standard
  • Participant Activities – Group based activities and assistance with Social and Community Participation – Non-Face-to-Face
  • Centre Capital Cost – Group based activities and assistance with Social and Community Participation – Group and Centre Based Activities

Face-to-Face Support

This support refers to participants receiving direct support from Tulgeen staff members.

Non-face-to-Face Support

Non-face-to-face refers to tasks required to ensure we continue to provide the most appropriate supports specifically for you. These tasks could include, but are not limited to, report writing, planning/setting up activities, individual training for staff related to your needs/goals, specific family/carer updates related to your supports and progress, development and review of work plans and skill development plans, timetable planning, etc.

Capital Centre Costs

This is a standard rate set by the NDIS to cover costs incurred by Tulgeen to run the centre-based activity.

These will continue to be funded through your NDIS plan.

Over the coming weeks, our leadership teams will be contacting participants or advocates to arrange individual meetings to discuss these changes further. They will consult with you and develop a variation to your current Service Agreement specific to your circumstances.

If you require more non-face-to-face support, it may leave less time for face-to-face support. If you require less non-face-to-face support, you may have more funds available for face-to-face support. Our staff have been recording how much time they are committing to non-face-to-face activities. A schedule has been developed which includes regular and variable activities. This will be discussed with you during the consultation process to ensure you understand the new model and are receiving the supports required to your individual needs and goals.

Further details can be found on the NDIS website: www.ndis.gov.au.

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